

Warren Buffet’s theology lesson

Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric, wrote a book on management with the catching title ‘Winning’, described in the synopsis as “destined to become the bible of business for generations to come.” It received rave reviews from business greats including Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. Indeed Warren Buffet’s comment is on the

Warren Buffet’s theology lesson Lire la suite »

Consider Jesus

Consider Jesus. Truly one of the most remarkable things to me about Jesus is that He stuck to His guns and went through with it. Have you ever imagined what would have happened had Jesus packed it all in? What would have become of us? The letter to the Philippians aptly describes His willingness to

Consider Jesus Lire la suite »

At your service

Every once in a while i speak to someone who wants to join the church and be a worker. I listen to what people say, every once in a while someone comes along who just wants to serve and is happy to do whatever we feel they ought to do. They have not come to

At your service Lire la suite »

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